Central Institute of Indian Languages has recently job notification for the post of Resource Persons has been released officially. Applying Candidates read the official notification. Interested candidates can apply online at the Official website on or before 14 Nov 2021. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.
Organization: Central Institute of Indian Languages

Type of Employment: Central Govt Jobs
No.of Vacancies: 06
Job Location: Mysore
Post Name: Resource Persons
Official Website: www.ciil.org
Applying Mode: Offline
Last Date: 14.11.2021
- Resource Persons
Educational Qualification:
- Candidates must have passed the M.A, MLISc, M.Phil, Ph.D or the equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
Age Limit :
- Refer Official Notification.
CIIL Pay Scale Details:
- Refer Official Notification.
Selection Process:
- Interview
How to Apply:
- Visit the official website www.ciil.org
- Click on the CIIL Notification and refer to all details.
- Download the application form from the given link in below
- Submit the required documents of photocopies to the following address
- Gen.Manager (Inst./Pers.&IRs./CP), Uranium Corporation of India Limited, (A Government of India Enterprise) P.O. Jaduguda Mines, Distt.- Singhbhum East, JHARKHAND-832102
CIIL Important Dates:
- Starting Date of Application Form:08.11.2021
- Closing Date of submission Application:14.11.2021
CIIL Important Links:
- Notification Link: Click Here